

noun, often attributive \ˈber\

: any one of a group of large and heavy animals that have thick hair and sharp claws and that can stand on two legs like a person

finance : a person who expects the price of stocks to go down and who sells them to avoid losing money

: something that is difficult to do or deal with

plural bears

Full Definition of BEAR

or plural bear :  any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on flesh
:  a surly, uncouth, burly, or shambling person <a tall, friendly bear of a man>
[probably from the proverb about selling the bearskin before catching the bear] :  one that sells securities or commodities in expectation of a price decline — compare bull
:  something difficult to do or deal with <the oven is a bear to clean>
bear·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective

Examples of BEAR

  1. Traffic in Knoxville, Tennessee, can be a bear anytime, but in late spring the slowdowns on Neyland Drive are often caused by Canada geese. —Joelle Anthony, Audubon, November-December 2004

Origin of BEAR

Middle English bere, from Old English bera; akin to Old English brūn brown — more at brown
First Known Use: before 12th century

Other Mammals Terms

dormouse, dugong, gibbon, grimalkin, sable, stoat, ungulate, vole


verb \ˈber\

: to accept or endure (something) ( US )

: to be worthy of (something) : to deserve or allow (something)

: to assume or accept (something, such as cost or responsibility)

bore \ˈbr\ borne also born \ˈbrn\ bear·ing

Full Definition of BEAR

transitive verb
a :  to move while holding up and supporting (something)
b :  to be equipped or furnished with (something)
c :  behave, conduct <bearing himself well>
d :  to have as a feature or characteristic <bears a likeness to her grandmother>
e :  to give as testimony <bear false witness>
f :  to have as an identification <bore the name of John>
g :  to hold in the mind or emotions <bear malice>
h :  disseminate
i :  lead, escort
j :  render, give
a :  to give birth to
b :  to produce as yield
c (1) :  to permit growth of
(2) :  contain <oil-bearing shale>
a :  to support the weight of :  sustain
b :  to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way <couldn't bear the pain> <I can't bear seeing you cry>
c :  to call for as suitable or essential <it bears watching>
d :  to hold above, on top, or aloft
e :  to admit of :  allow
f :  assume, accept
:  thrust, press
intransitive verb
:  to produce fruit :  yield
a :  to force one's way
b :  to extend in a direction indicated or implied
c :  to be situated :  lie
d :  to become directed
e :  to go or incline in an indicated direction
:  to support a weight or strain —often used with up
a :  to exert influence or force
b :  apply, pertain —often used with on or upon <facts bearing on the question>
bear a hand
:  to join in and help out
bear arms
:  to carry or possess arms
:  to serve as a soldier
bear fruit
:  to come to satisfying fruition, production, or development :  to produce a desired result or reward
bear in mind
:  to think of (something) especially as a warning :  remember
bear with
:  to be indulgent, patient, or forbearing with (someone)

Examples of BEAR

  1. A stone slab bearing 3,000-year-old writing previously unknown to scholars has been found in the Mexican state of Veracruz, and archaeologists say it is an example of the oldest script ever discovered in the Western Hemisphere. —John Noble Wilford,New York Times, 15 Sept. 2006

Origin of BEAR

Middle English beren to carry, bring forth, from Old English beran; akin to Old High German beran to carry, Latin ferre, Greek pherein
First Known Use: before 12th century

Related to BEAR

birth [chiefly dialect], deliver, drop, have, mother, produce, give birth to, live with, lump (it), stand for, tough (it) out
disavow, disclaim, disown, repudiate

Synonym Discussion of BEAR

bear, suffer, endure, abide, tolerate, stand mean to put up with something trying or painful. bear usually implies the power to sustain without flinching or breaking <forced to bear a tragic loss>. suffer often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing <suffering many insults>. endure implies continuing firm or resolute through trials and difficulties <endured years of rejection>. abide suggests acceptance without resistance or protest <cannot abide their rudeness>. tolerate suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful <refused to tolerate such treatment>. stand emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching <unable to stand teasing>.


geographical name \ˈber\

Definition of BEAR

river 350 miles (563 kilometers) N Utah, SW Wyoming, & SE Idaho flowing to Great Salt Lake
BEAR WITH Defined for Kids


noun \ˈber\
plural bears

Definition of BEAR for Kids

or plural bear :  a large heavy mammal with long shaggy hair and a very short tail
:  a person resembling a bear in size or behavior <a large bear of a man> <He acted like a grumpy old bear.>


bore \ˈbr\borne \ˈbrn\bear·ing

Definition of BEAR for Kids

:  1support 1 <bear weight>
:  to move while holding up and supporting :  carry <They came bearing gifts.>
:  to hold in the mind <She bears a grudge.>
:  to put up with <I can't bear the suspense.>
:  to assume or accept <bear the blame>
:  to have as a feature or characteristic <She bears a resemblance to her sister.>
:  give birth to <bear children>
:  1produce 1 <trees bearing fruit> <bear interest>
:  to move or lie in the indicated direction <Bear right at the fork.>
:  to have a relation to the matter at hand <These facts don't bear on the question.>
bear down on
:  to push or lean down on <Bear down hard on your pencil.>
bear in mind
:  to think of especially as a warning <Bear in mind that you only get one chance.>
bear up
:  to have strength or courage <She's bearing up under the stress.>
bear with
:  to be patient with <Bear with me.>
Medical Dictionary


transitive verb \ˈba(ə)r, ˈbe(ə)r\
bore \ˈbō(ə)r, ˈb(ə)r\ borne \ˈbō(ə)rn, ˈb(ə)rn\ also born \ˈb(ə)rn\ bear·ing

Medical Definition of BEAR

:  to give birth to


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